This interview is not a suggestion or an endorsement of TrueFlip or any other Crypto Project This article has been published for free and has not been commissioned from TrueFlip If you have a gambling addiction please visit: Gambling Addiction TrueFlip is a lottery system very much like the Powerball,...
Interview with  Fortitude Ranch CEO Dr. Drew Miller, Colonel USAF Reserve (Ret) Can you introduce yourself and your role at Fortitude Ranch? I'm Dr. Drew Miller, a retired Air Force Reserve Colonel and intelligence officer--Founder and CEO of Fortitude Ranch, a recreational and Survival Community. I'm an Air Force Academy honor...
Artificial Intelligence has been dominated for years by just a few big companies like Apple, Google and Facebook. The huge data sets and massive computing power required for machine learning means there are barriers to entry. AI Crypto plans to tear up this oligopoly by building an AI crypto...
What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a decentralised form of private money. It is a public ledger (database), which can be used by anyone to transact coins or money which are called Bitcoins. This ledger is updated in such a way that malicious entries cannot be inserted. The users of Bitcoin...
Reggie Middleton will cut through the banking middleman for certain financial services by creating a software powered by the Veritaseum token. This software will be the gateway to execute financial transactions without the need for stockbrokers and bankers. What is the business model of Veritaseum? Who is the target market? What is the...
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