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Interview with Alex Korn, product development manager of ESR Wallet
What is ESR Wallet?
ESR Wallet is a financial platform, which combines both fiat and cryptocurrency banking services and exchanges that all of us, being modern users, are used to. Yes – we are going to provide our clients with an ability to store, exchange, create deposits or use crediting both for USD, EUR and popular cryptocurrencies : BTC, BCH, ETH, XRP and others.
Can you tell us about yourself and your role in ESR Wallet?
Well, my name is Alex, I have been a part of the ESR Wallet’s team from the very beginning, seen all the main steps of development. At the first time my main tasks were related to all the media about the Wallet: interviews, posts in social networks, creating videos of the project; later my task list started to grow and become wider.
ESR wallet is an extension of an existing organisation/network – can you tell us more?
The basis of the ESR Wallet was the ES Reliable – financial company from USA, at first it operated with micro crediting, later, as the company’s revenue was growing – other financial services were implemented. Then the idea to create such services with cryptocurrencies came to minds of founders – and that was the start of the ESR Wallet history.
What are the main components of the main components of the ESR Wallet ecosystem?
The components are:
- Wallet itself. If will allow you to store and exchange your funds.
- Exchange features: ESR Wallet Tokens will be widely used in the Wallet itself, we must be sure that there are easy ways to get them through several popular exchanges.
- Cards features: users may want to get their cards linked to the funds in the Wallet: fiat or crypto.
- Deposits and crediting systems.
- Cashback, partnership programs.
Which parts of these components have been fully developed?
Now, with all the features marked, it’s easy to tell you the progress that was made in every direction of project’s development.
- That is done – the Wallet announce will be made in a couple of hours after I answer your questions.
- Our Tokens will be available on Livecoin exchange, also they are available for sale on orderbook.io – that’s a platform on which our ICO is carried out.
- There were several problems with that step (not on our side, but on the payment provider’s), now we have a solid plan for obtaining that point in few months.
- 4-5 steps are on the way.
What is the total number of tokens that will be issued?
All in all, there are 10M of ESR Wallet Tokens, 9 were for sale and 1M – for bounty program and other affiliate bonuses.
Will there be more coins issued after the ICO?
No, after the ICO all unsold Tokens will be burned, no further emission is planned.
What are the soft- and hardcaps?
We had no such thing as caps – the max amount is limited only by Tokens quantity.
What are the benefits of the ESR token holders?
The Tokens will be widely used in the Wallet itself. Clients will be able to pay fees with them, the most profitable financial plans (for deposits and crediting) will be available for Token holders. Also you shouldn’t forget, that 30% of the company’s profit will be distributed between Token holders.
Why will users want to use the ESR Wallet?
We are looking forward for ESR Wallet to become the most convenient and easy-to-use service, that will allow you to operate your funds: both fiat and crypto, swiftly, pay with your cryptocurrency anywhere where cards are accepted and much more. You can learn all the benefits on the project’s website: esrwallet.io
Will the crypto loans offered to users, how will their credit rating be verified?
As we have great experience in the financial field we do know what KYC is, that won’t be the problem. The weak point is that there are people, who use cryptocurrency marked because of it’s anonymity, they will definitely won’t like the need to get verified to use the Wallet.
What is the source of “dividends” will the ESR token holders receive and what are the details you can share about this?
In what token will these dividends be distributed?
Well, once again I’ll speak about the ES Reliable company. As we are creating alike company with cryptocurrency features, all the rules will be imported from the well-tried business. Such financial companies get the biggest part of the profit from credits, the second part are fees. There are several minor sources but mainly these 2 will generate all the profit. Then 30% of the profit is distributed among Token holders, they will get all the profit in the currencies they will have opened accounts. So, if you use ESR Wallet for operating with BTC – you will get BTC, if you use for ETH or USD – you will get your profit on these bills.
Do you have videos of any of the team members presenting ESR wallet or are there any scheduled conferences?
We have filmed several videos while we were starting the ICO procedure, several – later. All of them can be found on our FB page – https://www.facebook.com/ESRwallet/
Has the team been present at any conferences?
We have taken part in 2 conferences, the best was in Moscow, but then we decided to finish the Wallet development before participating in such events any more. Now, as the Wallet is finished (yes, there are many features to be added, but the core is here to use), we will return to conferences.
Why is this team best positioned to deliver on this ICO?
We have a super team: graduates from world-known universities, winners of the world competitions in programming, our team has great experience in a financial field and in business as a whole. So we do have a solid plan of the project, we know all the steps that must be done, and (what is the most important) – we have the ability to bring all the desired features to life. More details about the team are available on esrwallet.io
Would you like to add any further information about ESR wallet?
There is so much more to tell about the project, that was growing, was developed for months, I think that if you have just learned about ESR Wallet – visit esrwallet.io, esrwallet.com, check our social networks. If you have any questions left – we are always glad to help.
Would you like to share your main thoughts about the current state of the crypto/ico market?
The crypto world now is unstable, but we do believe in its future, cryptocurrency is one of the most important inventions of 21 century, and the ESR Wallet will become the most easy-to-use platform to operate with it.
For more information please visit: https://esrwallet.io/
We thank Alex Korn for the interview.