Rocket Launcher Scoops Dig Award And Evolves Into Tech Startup

Rocket Launcher, a marketing consultancy based in Perth, has recently been awarded the Digital Innovation & Marketing Award at the Rockingham Kwinana Chamber of Commerce 2023 Mineral Resources Business Awards. This prestigious award recognizes the company’s commitment to innovation and their client-centric approach to strategic marketing.

Founder of Rocket Launcher, Justin Barnes, expressed his gratitude for receiving the award, stating, “We are thrilled and deeply honored to receive this recognition. It affirms our constant pursuit of innovation, our client-centric approach, and our resolute commitment to reshaping businesses through strategic marketing.”

Rocket Launcher’s 3-year journey of building data and sector-driven insights

Over the course of the past three years, Rocket Launcher has focused on building data and sector-driven insights to better support their clients. This has allowed them to provide valuable information and strategies tailored to specific industries, helping businesses to grow and thrive.

The company’s approach is centered around the use of data to drive decision-making and provide targeted solutions. By analyzing industry trends and consumer behavior, Rocket Launcher is able to offer effective marketing strategies that deliver tangible results. This data-driven approach has been key to their success and has allowed them to build strong relationships with their clients.

Rocket Launcher Wins Dig Award and Transforms into Tech Startup

Rocket Launcher’s new phase: Developing ‘Rocket Launcher Tech’

Building on their success as a marketing consultancy, Rocket Launcher is now entering a new phase with the development of ‘Rocket Launcher Tech.’ This technology will harness the power of AI and data analytics to empower businesses of all sizes.

The aim of Rocket Launcher Tech is to drive business growth and support startups and SMEs through the use of cutting-edge technology. By leveraging AI and data analytics, the company hopes to provide businesses with valuable insights and tools to optimize their marketing efforts and achieve their goals.

This transition from a traditional consultancy to a tech company marks an exciting new chapter for Rocket Launcher. They are committed to empowering businesses through technology and believe that their innovative solutions will revolutionize the marketing industry.

Justin Barnes discusses challenges in the marketing industry

Justin Barnes, the founder of Rocket Launcher, has always been passionate about solving the challenges faced by businesses in the marketing industry. One of the main challenges he identified was the lack of understanding and confusion surrounding marketing.

In an interview, Justin explained, “The big problem with the ‘marketing’ word is the lack of understanding business people have for marketing versus the expense, the outcome, and the vastly difficult landscape we live in from a technological perspective, increasing the confusion.”

To address this challenge, Rocket Launcher has taken a strategic approach to marketing. They have developed techniques and strategies that are tailored to specific sectors and target audiences. By breaking down complex marketing concepts and offering clear strategies, Rocket Launcher aims to empower businesses and help them navigate the complex marketing landscape.

Translating Rocket Launcher’s consulting approach into technology

As Rocket Launcher transitions into a tech company, they are focused on translating their consulting approach into technology. This means developing tools and platforms that will enable businesses to access the same level of support and expertise that they have received through the consultancy.

By offering their services through a technology platform, Rocket Launcher aims to provide businesses of all sizes with the support they need to grow and succeed. This platform will leverage AI and data analytics to deliver personalized insights and recommendations, helping businesses make informed decisions and drive their marketing strategies forward.

The goal is to make marketing more accessible and less confusing for businesses, enabling them to maximize their growth potential and achieve their goals.

In conclusion, Rocket Launcher’s digital innovation and marketing award is a testament to their commitment to pushing the boundaries of traditional marketing and embracing technology. The development of ‘Rocket Launcher Tech’ marks an exciting new phase for the company, as they seek to empower businesses through AI and data analytics. By translating their consulting approach into technology, Rocket Launcher aims to solve the challenges faced by businesses in the marketing industry and drive business growth for their clients.