Bluesky Achieves Record Usage Following Elon Musk’s Announcement

Bluesky, a social network and potential competitor to X (formerly known as Twitter), recently experienced a significant surge in usage following Elon Musk’s announcement regarding changes to X’s services. This surge in usage can be attributed to Musk’s decision to charge all X users a small monthly fee in order to address the issue of “vast armies of bots” on the platform.

Musk’s Announcement

On September 18, Elon Musk livestreamed an event where he announced that X would be implementing a subscription payment model. This decision was met with mixed reactions from X users. Many users were unhappy with this change, which led to a spike in Bluesky’s user numbers as users flocked to the rival platform.

Bluesky’s Response

Following Musk’s announcement, Bluesky saw a significant increase in its daily active user count. Reports from Mashable confirmed that Bluesky experienced a record number of new sign-ups after Musk’s announcement. By the end of Tuesday, September 19, Bluesky had gained a total of 53,585 new sign-ups, representing approximately 5% of their user base, which consisted of around 1.13 million accounts.

Analysis of Bluesky’s Web Traffic and Mobile App Usage

Analytical firm Similarweb conducted an analysis of Bluesky’s Android app usage and web traffic. Their report revealed that Bluesky’s Android app had half a million daily active users on the day of Musk’s announcement, a 20.6% increase from the previous day. However, there is currently no estimate available for iOS usage, though it is expected to show a similar trend.

Bluesky’s web app also experienced a surge in daily visitors, with over 775,000 visitors on the day following Musk’s announcement. This represented a 30% increase from the previous day. It’s worth noting that this surge in traffic caused temporary issues for Bluesky, necessitating a halt in new user sign-ups to accommodate the influx of visitors.

Record New Sign-Ups for Bluesky

Bluesky’s record usage was further highlighted by the significant number of new sign-ups following Musk’s announcement. The platform gained 53,585 new sign-ups in total, with this number representing approximately 5% of their user base. This influx of new users caused temporary disruptions to the website due to the overwhelming traffic.

Bluesky’s Android App Usage

Similarweb’s analysis of Bluesky’s Android app usage indicated a notable increase in daily active users. The Android app saw a 20.6% increase in daily active users following Musk’s announcement. Although there is no current estimate available for iOS usage, it is expected to follow a similar trend based on the surge in Android usage.

Bluesky’s Web Traffic Surge

Bluesky experienced a significant surge in web traffic following Musk’s announcement. The web app saw over 775,000 daily visitors, marking a 30% increase from the previous day. This surge in traffic was even greater than the number of users Bluesky had seen during a previous controversy on July 1, 2023 when temporary rate limits were imposed. The increase in web traffic demonstrated the heightened interest in Bluesky as a viable alternative to X.

Comparison with Other Twitter Rivals

Bluesky’s success in capitalizing on X’s missteps is notable when compared to other Twitter rivals, such as Instagram Threads and Mastodon. While Bluesky experienced a surge in user numbers, Instagram Threads and Mastodon did not see a similar increase following Musk’s announcement. The new Twitter clone from Meta experienced 8.3 million daily active users on September 18, but this figure was comparable to the prior day and still significantly lower than its peak usage shortly after launch.

Bluesky’s Invite-Only Policy

Bluesky’s invite-only policy during the surge in user numbers highlights missed opportunities for the platform. If Bluesky had opened its doors to all interested users, the surge in usage could have been even greater. The platform had several chances to capitalize on X’s missteps, such as Musk’s Twitter takeover, the chaotic revamped verification system, the recent rate limits, and X’s announcement about charging all users. However, Bluesky has shown little interest in expanding its user base, even though it recently surpassed the milestone of 1 million users.

Bluesky’s User Base Compared to X

Elon Musk’s announcement regarding X’s user base revealed that the platform currently boasts 550 million monthly active users. In comparison, Bluesky’s user base consists of around 1 million users, which is significantly smaller. Additionally, competitors like Threads and Mastodon have user bases of 135 million and 1.7 million monthly active users, respectively. Despite its relatively smaller user base, Bluesky’s surge in usage highlights a potential concern for X, which has seen a decline in weekly active users since its rebranding.

In conclusion, Bluesky experienced record usage following Elon Musk’s announcement regarding changes to X’s services. The surge in usage can be attributed to X users seeking an alternative to the platform after the introduction of a subscription payment model. Bluesky’s web traffic and mobile app usage saw significant increases, and the platform gained a substantial number of new sign-ups. The comparison with other Twitter rivals further showcases Bluesky’s success in capitalizing on X’s missteps. However, Bluesky’s user base, while growing, still falls behind that of X and other competitors.