Running a successful start-up requires a lot of marketing. While technology and social media might be taking the lead on all businesses' marketing avenues, offline marketing is not entirely dead. Marketing your small business, both online and offline gives you more success chances. Below are some of the offline...
Yes, your startup is on the path to securing a solid chance as a successful venture. Your products or services are valuable to consumers, and you intend to target a broader audience. Bootstrapping your growing venture may be a formidable prospect filled with uncertainty. Franchising your startup is a feasible...
Moving to the next phase after the successful launch of your startup is often where some new entrepreneurs bite the dust. It is common for most startups to source for investors for them to get to the next level. An angel investor could play a viable role in your investment...
A financial or accounting ratio is a valuable tool all entrepreneurs must know for a viable business. Each financial ratio, as we have outlined in this masterpiece, has a purpose. However, financial ratios predominantly play a critical role in evaluating a company's progress against its present goals, competitors, and...
Businesses are seeing the immense potential for establishing a solid online experience that delivers the needs of their clients and partners. In this fast-paced modernization era, brands and businesses have to ride on the ever-dynamic e-commerce bandwagon to remain competitive and match customer expectations. Yes, setting your online business may...
In a day and age dominated by digital commerce and ever-evolving technological perks, entrepreneurs must wear various hats to keep their venture’s door open. Therefore, you ought to be aware and capable of embracing all the suitable perks that will ultimately ensure the maturation of your startup.  Adopting advanced technological...
It’s no doubt, email marketing, influencer marketing, conversational marketing, and viral marketing are some of the most potent yet cost-effective marketing strategies to propel your startup to scalable heights. Still, and akin to all marketing strategies, without a practical and proper approach, you might as well be setting your...
Entrepreneurs must wear various hats to ensure their entity remains relevant and keep its doors open. This is especially critical in a day and age dominated by digital commerce and ever-evolving technological perks. Therefore, you ought to be aware of all the suitable tools to gain a competitive edge...
Savvy entrepreneurs must be aware of all prevailing technological perks and, importantly, should be capable of embracing the relevant tools that will lead to their entity’s maturation. This is especially critical in a day and age influenced by eCommerce and online shopping.  Our recent post touched more on payment processors...
While choosing the best entity type for your startup is one of the first steps in setting up a business, there is also the issue of your compensation. For example, if you choose to incorporate your startup as an LLC (Limited Liability Company), one of the biggest concerns is...
Given the success rate of startups, 10%, it's reasonable to gather why entrepreneurship isn't a forte many people excel at. But, contrary to what some individuals might perceive, businesses do not crumble overnight or rather suddenly. Instead, it's a gradual and almost inappreciable process that business owners might fail...
Startup owners must always be on top of their venture's finances and taxes to ensure efficiency, higher chances of obtaining financing, and, importantly, seamlessly identify risks and opportunities for the business.  Although it might not be complex to keep track of your startup financial statements and maintain accurate financial records...
  Renee Wang is an ex-Googler who took a chance. A big chance, one could argue. She quit her steady job at Google Japan, sold her Beijing house (the only asset she had at the time), and invested the proceeds into her own startup company. Renee is the founder of Castbox,...
Insubstantial funds at the beginning are a significant impediment hindering the maturation of many startups. In addition, a startup operating cost can be overwhelming, making it difficult for your yet-to-be-established venture to keep its doors open. Therefore, it's paramount for all startup owners to be savvy in reducing business...
Starting a business is one thing, but running a business is entirely a different thing. Apart from requiring your absolute dedication and attention, the level of your skills in various business aspects goes a long way in ensuring your startup survives. If you are starting a business in 2021,...
Marketing is one of the most powerful and effective techniques to offer your startup optimal visibility and propel it to a scalable height.  Regardless of your startup's marketing strategy, niche marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing, just to mention a few, all fall into two broad categories: pull marketing or push...
As an entrepreneur, the last thing you want is for your small business to be caught on the wrong side by the taxman. That means being on top of your companies financials and taxes. While getting a tax professional helps you manage the taxman and other tax issues professionally,...
Client management is a hat you must wear if you intend on keeping your startup's doors open. Even with the proper project management tools (meeting deadlines and finishing a project within the allocated budget), you will most likely struggle to fulfill customers' demands without appropriate and effective client management...
Starting an Amazon business might seem like venturing into a jungle, but with the right guide, you can turn it into a thriving ecosystem. Amazon, being the colossal marketplace it is, offers a golden opportunity for startups to reach millions of potential customers. But how do you make your...
Getting funding for a startup, especially loan applications from financial institutions, is not usually straightforward. Many entrepreneurs have had banks close their doors on the, even when they believe they have done everything right with their loan application. So, what could have gone wrong? Why was your startup’s loan...
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