KICKICO, is a platform which will enable entrepreneurs to launch crowdfunding campaigns and ICOs.
Interview with Anti Danilevski, KICKICO CEO :
What challenge is KICKICO addressing?
Old-school crowdfunding, or, as we like to put it, “crowdfunding 1.0”, is facing three major distinctive difficulties nowadays.
First of all, it’s the lack of availability and limited access to crowdfunding instruments, both for developers and potential investors. You are highly dependent on your current residence’s financial instruments and legal restrictions of your selected platform jurisdiction. You simply cannot use cryptocurrencies to back projects, and to create a campaign as an author, you are most likely obliged to be a resident of the country your platform is registered in.
Second one, is the amount of fees and taxes, elegantly removed from your successful campaign pool. It depends on your platform’s jurisdiction, not yours, and this is a major drawback. Why should you pay 40% income tax on a donation for a non-profit organization?
The last, but not the least, is the trust problem. It is truly the Wild West of ICO’s now, and even the already mature crowdfunding market is still having scam and failed campaign problems. It is simply unbearably difficult for an individual to analyze all the available campaigns for their risks and feasibility.
What is the scale of this challenge?
Current crowdfunding market estimates to more than $40B, leaving VC industry behind.
Every day a growing amount of “casual” investors gets access to projects they couldn’t even think of without being a venture capitalist. This means they are clearly not aware of all the risks and problems, that come with this opportunity.
How does KICKICO plan to solve this problem?
We have created a platform to solve the aforementioned and many other problems of the crowdfunding and ICO market.
The KICKICO allows its users to participate regardless of their location, jurisdiction and available payment options. We’re going to accept a wide variety of both crypto- and fiat currencies on our platform. The funds raised are accumulated in a selected cryptocurrency, so it is for you to decide, how and where you are going to convert them to fiat money, what country’s jurisdiction and tax fees to choose. This option not only lowers potential income taxes, but allows us to lower our own fees to 4% of the amount raised + 4% of campaign tokens issued.
KICKICO is going to be a unified platform for both ICOs and crowdfunding campaigns, using its ever-growing pool of industry professionals, community-raised moderators and advisory board to meticulously check all campaigns for potential risks, feasibility and authors’ background. Our aim is to let no potentially faulty or unsuccessful campaigns make it to the front page.
All investments are backed up with our tokens – KickCoins. This way you get not only campaign’s token, if any, and promises of success from campaign creators, but a valuable asset, usable both on our platform and with Kickconomy supporters, which is also tradable on various exchanges. Kickconomy – an ecosystem of different projects, launched on our platform, will accept KCs as a payment option in exchange for their products or pleasant bonuses. In return, Kickonomy participants will get a constant flow of our community members and other KC holders, along with other perks and traits, such as featuring on KICKICO platform and many more.

Authors do not need to be technically savvy in order to launch their ICOs or crowdinvesting campaigns. We are beta-testing our contract constructor, allowing to deploy your own token in no time for a small fee in KCs.
We are creating a vast community of artists and professionals of diverse trades, willing to help our authors with their skills in exchange for KCs. KickCoins are going to be used to get crucial feedback – campaign reviews, made by our or community professionals and advisors, dramatically increasing campaign presentation quality. Automatic bounty and content campaigns will be available later, allowing authors to set their requirements and transfer KC to those campaigns, making them automatically track and reward selected actions. Our automatically created digest’s top featured spots are going to be auctioned for KCs, increasing its market value, especially for large campaigns.
KICKICO is seen as a powerful and constantly evolving tool for our community, and not vice versa.
Can you showcase some team members/advisors which have a strong background?
Personally, I have a strong game development background, which occasionally led me to crowdfunding. Since 2011, I’ve been a crowdfunding evangelist in Russia, helping hundreds of crowdfunding campaigns around the world. Leading the biggest Russian crowdfunding community and other game and IT online communities, I bring years of my experience and expertise in crowdfunding, online community-building, and IT to the KICKICO platform, which solves the fundamental problems of ICOs and crowdfunding and is targeted to change the nature of crowdfunding worldwide.
Our co-founder and CFO, Alexander Petrov, Alexander is an entrepreneur in the wholesale/retail trading sphere, and a private investor, with experience in online and offline business since 1995. In 2003, he built a network of retail shops in Saint-Petersburg which were sold in 2011 for $11 million. After that successful exit, he has changed his focus from offline to online. Alexander invested in KICKICO in 2015 and, since that time, works closely with the team, taking care of its presentation and financial model.
And, of course, our CTO and co-founder, Andrew Perepelitsa, Andrew has 12 years of experience in the IT industry, ranging from hardware support, engineering and maintenance, to enterprise-level information system analysis, design, development, and implementation. He has specialization in intranet and extranet system development, enterprise applications integration, and business process automation, and has extensive experience with high-load enterprise 24/7 systems, stress testing, profiling, bottleneck analysis and performance optimization.
A list of all our valuable team members can be found here –
We have a strong advisory board. Roel Wolfert, founder of Qoin and advisor at Bancor, a senior executive in the FinTech world, Yuri Mykolyshyn, with his master degree in foreign economics, Scott Morris, a community currency systems expert and social entrepreneur and founder of Ithacash and many more are helping us shape a powerful, perfectly flexible and adaptive tool for our community, the KICKICO platform.
Does KICKICO have any strategic partnerships?
Yes, but I will mention only a pair of them to save your readers some time. More information on our powerful team of professional can be found on our site.
PACATUM are our foreign development partners. Together, we are creating our very complicated, unique solidity solution. This team understands our specific needs and helps us to create a wonderful product that suits our very specific requirements perfectly. We are happy to work with so skillful and professional partners.
Qoin’s, another of our key partners, mission is to help people, businesses, government and semi-public institutions to fulfill their potential by leveraging on the advantages of community currencies. As we believe that money can be redesigned to meet our individual and collective needs more effectively, we strive to create vibrant local communities empowered by locally owned and locally run community currencies together.
Does KICKICO have a viable product at this time?
Yes, our company already has its MVP (Minimum Viable Product) – it’s the KICKICO platform. We are conducting our preICO and ICO on it as the final test of its mechanics.
What is the status of KICKICO’s product?
We are currently polishing our platform’s beta and preparing for its launch on October 1st, along with the first approved campaigns.
How many campaigns do you already have on your platform?
There are around 150 projects being moderated on the platform at the moment.
Only 20% of them are ready to be launched, others are being checked for potential risks, MVP readiness and advised, if they are only lacking a few finishing strokes.
What is the structure of the ICO?
The KICKICO ICO will take place between August 29th 13-00UTC and September 29th 23-59UTC, with its goal of 70000ETH and its cap set to 200000ETH.
* Tier and Bonus are counted separately from the basic price 1 ETH = 3000 KC. For example, for the 100 ETH contribution inside the period less than 10% of goal raised, the final price for KC will be: 1 ETH = 3765 KC (3000 + 3000*5.5% + 3000*20%)
We will have two bonuses during the ICO:
1. Payment amount bonus – the more you pay with 1 transaction the more %bonus you get. Tier system is below
2. BONUS for early participation in KICKICO crowdsale – participate early and get additional bonus
% of goal Your KC bonus
0-10% – 20% bonus
10-20% – 10% bonus
20-30% – 7.5% bonus
30-40% – 5% bonus
40-50% – 2.5% bonus
50%+ – 0%
Tier in ETH 1 ETH = KC Bonus, +%
Tier 0 0.1 3000 0.0%
Tier 1 0.2 3000 0.0%
Tier 2 0.5 3000 0.0%
Tier 3 1 3000 0.0%
Tier 4 2 3015 0.5%
Tier 5 3 3030 1.0%
Tier 6 5 3045 1.5%
Tier 7 7 3060 2.0%
Tier 8 10 3075 2.5%
Tier 9 15 3090 3.0%
Tier 10 20 3105 3.5%
Tier 11 30 3120 4.0%
Tier 12 50 3135 4.5%
Tier 13 75 3150 5.0%
Tier 14 100 3165 5.5%
Tier 15 150 3180 6.0%
Tier 16 200 3210 7.0%
Tier 17 300 3225 7.5%
Tier 18 500 3240 8.0%
Tier 19 750 3270 9.0%
Tier 20 1000 3300 10.0%
Tier 21 1500 3330 11.0%
Tier 22 2000 3360 12.0%
Tier 23 3000 3390 13.0%
What are the pros and cons for the token holders?
Along with KC market value growth due to its involvement in Kiconomy, token holders will benefit from our loyalty program. All token holders will receive extra KCs,
relative to the amount owned, numerous times during first two years. This will stimulate them from flooding exchanges with KCs, lowering their market value.
Was there a pre-ico?
Yes, our preICO successfully ended on August 7th, reaching its goal of 2000ETH and hitting the cap of 5000ETH.
What is the price of the pre-ico and the price of the ico?
The preICO was offering our tokens with a discount of 66%-80%, starting from 6000KC per 1ETH. The ICO price is going to begin from 3000KC per 1ETH.
For more information please visit :
We thank Anti Danilevski for your information.