Financial Independence and Retiring Early, or FIRE, is an economic ethos which prioritizes personal freedom through strategic financial management. The goal is to maximize your earnings and savings in the present, so that you can free yourself from work in the future. That could mean retiring early and spending the...
Online ranking sites currently list ninety-five coins with projected masternode ROI’s in excess of 1,000%. Seven of those coins advertise returns of 10,000% or more, but just how reliable are these masternodes and will they be around long enough to return an investment? Extremely high ROI masternodes are viewed with suspicion,...
Disclaimer: This is not financial advice this is an interview with Counting House Fund. The answers have been provided by the Counting House Fund. staff are not financial advisors; this is not financial advice. This is not a buy, sell or hold recommendation of any assets mentioned in...
Disclaimer: This is not financial advice this is our opinion. staff are not financial advisors. This is not a buy, sell or hold recommendation. Do your own research before you invest in anything including this project. This article/interview is not a suggestion or an endorsement of this ICO. ...
This is not financial advice. staff are not financial advisors. This is not a buy, sell or hold recommendation. Do your own research before you invest in anything including this project. This interview is not a suggestion or an endorsement of this ICO or any other ICO...
Interview with Jan Schets, CEO of Peerity. Can you introduce yourself and your role in Peerity? My name is Jan Schets, a self-made entrepreneur and crypto-apostle. After being involved in the crypto scene about 4 years, we felt the time was right to start a new blockchain-based social media platform that focuses...
Overview Type: ERC20 Token Symbol: PRL Idea: The Oyster network is a decentralised cloud storage platform the processing needed to run it is sourced from website visitors. A mining script hosted on websites will use a fraction of the user's computing power to process transactions on the network. Opportunities One PRL...
Interview with Alexis Kratko, CEO and Founder of Snovio. What challenge is Snovio addressing? Snovio aims to solve the problem of irrelevant and outdated lead data introducing a new approach to lead generation. What is the scale of this challenge? Every business has its peculiarities and difficulties to face. But the one issue...
Interview with Scott Douglas, founder of Crypto improvement fund. What are the objectives of Crypto improvement fund?  The Crypto Improvement Fund aims to accomplish one simple task - aid businesses in understanding and incorporating cryptocurrency into their existing environment. We will be educating businesses on the practical applications of cryptocurrency and decentralized ledger...
Interview with Victor Lai, manager of the Crypto Fund: Crush Crypto Core. What is your story and how does it connect to DAA? Crush Crypto is the go-to source for independent research on blockchain projects and cryptocurrency investing. The team has so far done 50 in-depth reports on various coins and tokens...
Interview with Rolf Versluis, Jake Tarren ZenCash developers and Alexander Zabuga a volunteer who is in love with ZenCash! How did ZEN start? ZEN is a fork of ZLC. Meaning everyone who had ZLC got ZEN too. It was announced well in advance, fork itself happened very peacefully with support...
Interview with Elburz Sorkhabi founder of ExHasta. What is ExHasta? ExHasta is a platform led by function(core) that will develop groundbreaking projects and then distribute all the intellectual property to innovators around the world, allowing them to create powerful startups and to increase their technical capabilities at an extremely low cost. ExHasta is also committed to...
Interview with Denis Kalinika Community manager of the GoldMToken Project. What challenge is GoldMToken addressing? GoldMine Token is implemented as a financial instrument on the blockchain platform and is backed by the industrial commodity (gold). What is the scale of this challenge? Raising up investments and collecting funds to run a successful gold...
Interview with the AirToken Team: What challenge is AirFox addressing? AirFox is increasing access to mobility for consumers, especially in emerging markets. Through a variety of mechanisms, including allowing advertisers to sponsor data directly for users, and by creating a microlending platform using our new ERC20 cryptocurrency the "AirToken", mobile data...
Dash has been slipping down the rankings, for some time. New powerful projects are leaping over Dash by billions. They have the advantage of a clear direction, strong management and a solid raison d'etre. Dash is a collective, a decentralised DAO. The Dash DAO works on a system of...
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