Content is king. This is a mantra often repeated in the online marketing world. Quality content attracts eyeballs and those eyeballs usually have a wallet attached to them. Quality content is king because it attracts quality eyeballs! Most content is monetised through advertising; when this happens the reader cannot know where the...
Coin Dash is an advanced trading platform designed to give it's users an edge when trading crypto currencies. One important aspect is that traders can follow experienced traders automatically in their trades. The benefit is that they can sit back and let others do the hard work, the down...
The process of turning data into information is possible through computing power; the human brain has limited processing power when it comes to dealing with many millions or billions of data sets. Technology has spiralled upwards since the advent of computers, and the better computers become, the faster the evolution of technology...
Interview with Jean-Yves Sireau, CEO What challenge is addressing? was founded in 1999 to make binary options trading easily available to retail investors worldwide. Before we came along, binary options were typically traded by banks and hedge funds. This was the challenge we wanted to address when we...
Zcash Review To speculate on Zcash you can : use Bitmex Leveraged Trading or Genesis Mining. Zcash will be launched on :  October 28, 2016. Zcash or “zero-knowledge proof” is a new cryptocurrency which is similar to bitcoin. The difference is that the transactions between two parties can be made anonymously unlike Bitcoin. SWOT Analysis Strengths Based on Bitcoin,...
Interview with ClockUniverse, lead developer for Terracoin. What are the objectives of Terracoin? We want to offer a viable alternative to fiat currencies while helping out the world. I know that seems like a line, but that is the long term goal. I don’t think a cryptocurrency should only have one “use case,”...
Robinhood Coop. is essentially a hedge fund in the form of a cooperative with a few twists. The legal entity managing the fund is a Finnish Cooperative which was created in 2012. As of 12th November, they have 926 Cooperative members. The hedge fund has assets worth $ 397,343 as...
Interview with Nick Potts, CEO of ScriptDrop. What challenge is ScriptDrop addressing? Prescription abandonment and medication adherence. What is the scale of this challenge? Prescription abandonment and medication non-adherence have reached epidemic proportions costing the U.S. healthcare system and taxpayers $300B per year and worse yet125,000 lives are lost every single year. To...
Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. staff are not financial advisers. This is not a buy, sell or hold recommendation of any assets mentioned in this interview. Do your own research before you invest in anything. This article/interview has been published for free. Your capital as at extreme risk...
This is not financial advice. staff are not financial advisors. This is not a buy, sell or hold recommendation. Do your own research before you invest in anything including this project This interview is not a suggestion or an endorsement of this ICO or any other ICO...
CCG mining is becoming a go-to alternative to HashFlare and Genesis minging for cloud mining contracts. What is CCG mining? A relatively new cloud mining company. Their official address is CCG International LTD,  85 Great Portland Street, W1W 7LT London. What is cloud mining? Cloud mining is a system by which cryptocurrency mining is done in specialised data...
Maecenas is a new startup that is going to financialize fractions of Art Masterpieces. The current process of buying and selling masterpieces is limited because it has become a billionaire’s playground with information unequally distributed among market participants. Maecenas are harnessing the internet, the blockchain and the power of...
{ "@context": "", "@type": "Review", "itemReviewed": { "@type": "Cryptocurrency", "@id": "", "name": "Dash Review" }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Jim Reynolds" }, "reviewRating": { ...
This is not financial advice this is an opinion. staff are not financial advisors. This is not a buy, sell or hold recommendation. Do your own research before you invest in anything including this project. This article/interview is not a suggestion or an endorsement of this ICO. ...
  Renee Wang is an ex-Googler who took a chance. A big chance, one could argue. She quit her steady job at Google Japan, sold her Beijing house (the only asset she had at the time), and invested the proceeds into her own startup company. Renee is the founder of Castbox,...
NapoleonX aims to create the 1st crypto asset managers specializing in the design and management of trading bots. Each bot will aim to deliver regular positive performance for crypto holders thus generating some returns on their existing cryptos. Interview with Stephane Ifrah, CEO of Napoleon X. Napoleon Crypto will create algorithmic...
In the first of this series, focuses on a masternode coin to give you the inside track on the scorers and scammers. First up is decentralized marketplace platform Syscoin. Syscoin is the third largest coin (in terms of market cap) operating a masternode and one of the few blockchain...
Storj is  that allows users to securely store files in an encrypted, decentralized manner. Storj currently uses the Counterparty protocol built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, but will be migrating to Ethereum at the end of this token sale. Storj is most similar to Siacoin in that it gives...
Interview with  Andrey Vorobyovski CMO of NousPlatfrom How does NousPlatform facilitate the creation and management of crypto funds? NousPlatform is utilizing the templates of smart contracts to establish and manage decentralized funds on the blockchain. The key features of the platform are the ability to issue tokens for the open-ended fund in...
Interview with Joe Arthur, Mingo CEO & Co-Founder. Can you provide a brief background on Mingo? With Mingo we plan to increase the percentage of people in the world using Cryptocurrency by teaching them how to use cryptocurrencies on their applications through our multi-platform MingoMessenger, crypto wallet – MingoWallet and the MingoCoin...
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